澳大利亚麦考瑞大学量子信息科学和技术研究中心Prof. Jason Twamley学术讲座
作者:物理学院  时间:2013-05-07  点击数:

报告题目:Quantum Engineering Using Diamond - from Superconducting Circuits to Quantum Random Walks

报告人:Prof. Jason Twamley

Research Center in Quantum Science and Technology, Macquarie University, Australia


报告摘要:It is natural to consider the use of ensembles of neutral atoms interacting with light to perform novel quantum operations on flying "photonic qubits". However, using neutral atomic gasses it is difficult to achieve strong coupling and to design robust implementations. Instead we describe how one can couple individual Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) defects in diamond to high-Q optical cavities to engineer various novel, nonlinear quantum operations. Using an individual NV-defect strongly coupled to a high-Q cavity we describe two protocols: to perform deterministic intra-cavity near-pi phase gates between two individual photons, and to deterministically synthesis photonic Fock states with a preset target number of photons. This talk also includes a general overview of quantum science research at the Macquarie University and a brief introduction of study abroad at Macquarie University for senior undergraduate students.

个人简介:Prof. Jason Twamley is the Director of the Macquarie University Research Centre in Quantum Science and Technology and is the Node Manager of the Australian Research Council’s National Centre of Excellence in Engineered Quantum Systems. He has worked in quantum theory related to superconducting, diamond, and photonic quantum technologies. He is mainly interested in quantum error correction, quantum algorithms, and novel architectures for quantum computers. He has also collaborated with experimental colleagues on integrated photonic quantum circuits and diamond based quantum magnetometers. He has many publications in Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters, and other high impact journals. He has won more than 50,000,000$ worth of research funding in total. He obtained his PhD in Quantum Cosmology from the University of Alberta, Canada in 1991.







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